The other day and today we celebrated our first born child. All Star Boy turned 14 years old this week! Yes...14!!! Sometimes it seems like just yesterday when we were just getting to know this wonderful little baby boy, and now he's almost a man! He is such a blessing to our family! When he was born I was overwhelmed by the feelings of love that I felt for this child. I never even knew that it was possible to love anyone else as much as I loved this baby boy. He was the light of my life and the joy in my heart! (Well, he still is, I just have more lights in my life and more joys in my heart, now!) Seeing him grow up has been such a pleasure. Don't get me wrong, we have our ups and downs, and life is not all sunshine and roses, but in retrospect, he's a great kid and I'm proud to call him my son! :)

To say that this child is a Lego fanatic would be an understatement! He eats, sleeps, and breathes...Lego's! Yes he loves balls, and bouncing them, and all things sports and baseball, but other that that, Lego's is where it's at for this kid! He was abundantly blessed with lots of love and lots of Lego's for his birthday. His daddy and I didn't buy him any Lego's, I'll have you know! We focused on his passion for baseball, and bought him baseball stuff that he loves just as much as Lego's, and some books (okay, okay, the 2 books we got him were Lego's collectors books, though).

The other day we celebrated him by talking him out and doing all the things he wanted to do including, among other things, going to get donuts, going shopping for the perfect Lego set, and going to eat as a family at Olive Garden. Then today we had a few of his friends over to hang out with him. They played Lego's, snacked out, played pool, snacked out, played more games, and did I say snacked out!?!? Wow, those growing boys can eat! LOL!
It was a great day and a great week celebrating him and thinking about this great kid and what he means to us and what he adds to this very grateful family! I consider myself richly blessed to be the mother to such a wonderful... dare I say...young man?!?!
Feeling very blessed,
It's a Lacy Life