Greetings out there! We have not really done any garage sale-ing the past 3-4 weeks but before you think I was teasing you with the title, rest assured, I do have some deals to share with you. One shopping trip was from over a month ago during a thrift store shopping trip with Amish Girl on her birthday (I told you I would share the deals I found on another day. :) ) Also, my favorite local thrift store had a 50% off day, so I have things from that day to share as well. Add to that, I did manage to find 1 garage sale this past Thursday while out and about running errands, where I found a few much needed clothing items for one of my children. This should be a pretty big "deals" post.
Okay, so the first and most exciting thing that I have to share with you is from my first deal-finding excursion with Amish Girl on her birthday. Amish Girl has been wanting a "hope chest" for quite a while, and I had thought about getting her one for her birthday, but we had another plan for her birthday gift (her laptop), so there wasn't really any money to work with for a hope chest. My mom was looking for one for her online, and all she was finding were ones in the $100 and up price range, and I knew that was out of the question, so I was postponing that thought for a later date. Well... much to my surprise, when we went up to the Goodwill, we happened to find a brand new, unpainted, wooden chest that will be great for this purpose for just $5.00! What a deal! I can afford $5.00!!! I had even found some brand new paint at a garage sale a while ago for just .75 cents for each can, that I bought for another project that I have for the girls. That way, she can personalize it, decorate it, and make it beautiful in any way she sees fit! :) Here is a before picture, I will have to post the "after" pictures on another day, after the 2 projects are complete.

Here is another picture of deals I found that same day. That big basket is actually a really nice size for books, magazines, and such. I paid $2.99 for the big one and .99 cents each for the 2 small ones, which are great for hanging on the wall or on a coat rack for keys, mail that needs to be dropped off, stuff you need to return to a friend, etc. I have one hanging basket hung up by my front door already being used for this purpose, and the large one is in my bedroom holding my reading materials that always seem to accumulate on my side in my bedroom. Now on the books in the picture, I paid anywhere from .15 to .99 cents for. We have a C.S. Lewis book, a David Livingston biography, a Miller (Missionary) book, an animal devotional, a teen devotional, a biographical story of a U.S. fighter pilot, and a book on Israel and America.
Here are the deals I found at my favorite local thrift store, whose prices seem to keep going up, up and up! Because of that, I haven't really been shopping there much, but they had a 50% off sale day, and I was on the hunt for a few things, so I decided to check it out. Pictured are a Speedo swim suit for Amish Girl for $2.00 (pretty much just what we were looking for-black to go with her 2 pairs of swim shorts and Speedo brands seem to cover very well, and do not fade and are good quality suits that last). Also pictured is a pair of swim trunks for All Star Boy, which just happen to be exactly the same pattern and everything as his last pair, just in a bigger size, and were $3. This was quite a relief, as we have searched, and searched, and searched for swimming stuff for the 2 of them for a long time, and haven't really been too successful at finding what they needed (Thin children and's a challenge to find a good fit)! Also pictured are shirts for both Amish girl (the one with the little green apples on it and was $2.50) and Nature girl (the one with the horses on it and was $2) and a pair of sleep Capri's for Nature girl- which she really needed, and were $1.25!

Pictured next is a Hodge-podge of things: books, games, a DVD, a basket and beads also from that thrift store. The books were either .35 or .75 cents, there are 3 Abeka biographies, a biography of David Livingston, 4 school books, a Native American historical fiction book, a My America book, 2 other Christian books and a Usborne adventure book just for fun! The games were .50 cents (not pictured- In A Pickle), a Christian version of the Ungame for $2.00, and a Bible trivia game for $3.50. We are always up for a good, fun, family game around here, and so I am always on the lookout for new, good, fun games to play as a family or with friends! There is also a basket that was .50 cents, a DVD called "A More Perfect Union" about America becoming a nation for .80 cents, and my kiddos love to create with those Pearler beads, so I got that brand new bucket for $3.
These shorts that The Entertainer is modeling just happen to be the exact same shorts that All Star Boy already has, and so I bought these just for fun, so they could match each other! They think it's pretty cool, since they never really have matching outfits (the girls often do since they are so close in size and their just arent' that many different Lands End dresses out there! LOL!) I had to wash these outfits for them twice the first week they had them, they wanted to wear them again for the 4th of July gathering at our friends house! So cute! :) I paid $2.50 for the shorts and $3.50 for the shirt to match at the thrift store.
Here is a new pair of summer PJ's that Nature Girl really needed. These were brand new with tags still on them for $3.50.
Next up is All Star Boy in his new jeans and new shirt. Those jeans were $2.00 and were brand new with the tags still on, and the shirt was .75 cents. In the picture below is this same outfit along with another pair of the exact same jeans, but those were just $1, (I guess because they did not have the tags on them) and another pair of pants that were $1, and did have the tags on them. It was a blessing to find these few items for him, because last winter he outgrew pretty much ALL of his pants! These growing children! Wow, they grow out of things fast sometimes! I got these at a garage sale on Thursday.
That's about all I have. Some of the clothes I found at the thrift store were a little on the expensive side for my liking but I always try and remember that it's still cheaper than what you would pay at a retail store. Also, if it's something we really need or something that would go great with an item I already own, or if it's just exactly what I am looking for, then it's usually worth it in the long run to just go ahead and get it when I see it. I find that I can spend more money in time and gas just looking for that "perfect" thing at that "perfect" price, than if I would have paid a little more than I would have liked to when I had seen it in the first palce. :) I hope you enjoyed reading about my finds and looking at all my pictures.
Happy bargain shopping to you!
It's a Lacy Life