This blog is a record of my family, our adventures, and life as we know it. I named it after the movie "It's a Wonderful Life", because no matter what happens, good or bad, up or down, our life may not always be wonderful (or perfect), but it will always be a "Lacy Life", and that's wonderful to us!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


                                                 HAPPY RESURRECTION SUNDAY!!!!

  Just a quick post to wish everyone out there a Happy Resurrection Day (Easter) from our family to yours!  What a glorious day it was out today, and what a glorious occasion we have the privilege to celebrate!  That's all the words I have but I have some pictures to share with you!

Celebrating the Resurrection with joy and appreciation for all that God's done for us,
It's a Lacy Life


  1. Happy Reserection Day Lacey Family! I miss your family so much and hope to see you real soon! You all looked like you had so much fun, may god bless you!

    1. Thank you! We miss you guys, too! Hope all is well and we can see you soon, too! :)
