It is with great humility and admiration for the things of God that we celebrate this child whom has recently turned 13 years old! WOW! I still can't wrap my mind around that fact! Long ago, when this child was growing up and getting older, I told her, with that hesitation that a mom has about her children getting older, that it's okay for her to grow up, but to just stay sweet! Well, she reminds me of that often when she makes the comment; "Mom, remember when you said it's okay to grow up, just make sure you stay sweet", and asks the question; "Am I still sweet?" And I always reply a confident "Yes, daughter, I remember, and yes, you are still my sweet girl!" :)
This child is such a blessing in my life. Of course, all of my/our children bless us, "sharpen" us, and challenge us in this way or that way, and all of my children are a blessing to me, and I have no favorite child, as I love them all with all of my heart, but in different ways for the different things they bring into our family. But this relationship is a little different, and I will tell you why.
This child has such a sweet spirit, a positive outlook/attitude, and a heart of love, joy, and compassion. Don't get me wrong, it's not all sunshine and roses, she doesn't walk around happy and smiley and joyful ALL the time (but most of the time), and we do have our "moments" as mother and daughter, but I'm talking about an overall disposition, here. Some may call it innocence and naivete, and I'm sure there is some of that in her, too, but there is just a sweetness that could only have come from the heart of God that this child has, it's not one with a selfish ambition or a manipulative motivation. She's sweet because that's just simply the way God made her (and I tend to think it's what I needed). :)
She has the kind of sweetness about her that I NEVER thought I would WANT nor have a NEED for in my life before I became a Christian. Truth be told, I was always a little (okay, maybe a lot) "rough around the edges" for the years of my life BC (Before Christ), and I still can be at times. I think that the world, life, and circumstances makes us jaded when we go through things in our lives, and therefore molds us and shapes us in many ways, some positive and some negative. There is a "hardness", a callus, if you will, as a sort of defense mechanism, as a result of going through the things that happens to us in our lives. In my own personal experience, I felt I had to be "strong" or "tough" so I wouldn't get hurt by people and the world. Not only did I not see the NEED for being sweet, but I didn't see the point in it, really. But, in the interest of not making this post about me, that is all I will say about myself. I only mention it as a sort of comparison/contrast to myself, as an opposite, if you will, to the way this particular child is.
But God has a sense of humor, let me tell you, and He loves to challenge his children and change us and mold us into how HE wants us to be. Frankly, I believe that is why God gives us our children, with all of their unique personalities and temperaments, because if we let HIM and if we let them, they will help us to SEE HIM through them! :) This child has helped me to see what a "sweet" spirit from the heart of God is all about, how it affects and changes the people around them, and how valuable these people are to God and our world. This child has a heart to serve and be a servant, and has blessed me in so many ways. I don't want to go on and on and gush over her, but I do want to express my appreciation to God for her, and mention that she is always there to lift me up when I am down, or rub a hurting child's back when they are hurt, or give you hugs and smiles when you are going through a really tough time, and on and on.
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