This blog is a record of my family, our adventures, and life as we know it. I named it after the movie "It's a Wonderful Life", because no matter what happens, good or bad, up or down, our life may not always be wonderful (or perfect), but it will always be a "Lacy Life", and that's wonderful to us!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Happy Fall Y'all!

Basket Full of Fall Vegetables 

Greetings out there in cyberspace!  I know, I know, it's been a really long time!  Yes, it has, and I have a lot to share, I have a couple of blog posts about half done, but not the large chunk of time required to finish them up!   I never realize all of the things I have to blog about until I go looking through my pictures, and let me tell you...I have A LOT to report!  Unfortunately, that will have to wait for another day, hopefully soon I will be able to get them finished up for your reading and viewing pleasure!  :)  Be on the look out for "Summer Wrap-Up" (better late then never, right?), "Nature Girl Turns 11", "The Beginning of Another School Year", and "Be Careful Moms". 
Today I just wanted to check in and share a couple of things.  One is that we are well into our 2012-2013 school year-my 10th official year of homeschooling!  WOW!  Where does the time go???  We are having a lot of fun learning new things together, reviewing a lot of old stuff, and just being together this year (at least I am).  Isn't that at least one of the reasons most of us homeschooling moms homeschool, is because we have a love of learning and we feel/felt that our own educational experiences were...shall I say...sub par?!?! 

The other thing I felt like sharing today is something that I think is kind of funny, but kind of sad, too.  I was pondering this the other week, and I was wondering if this makes me a "bad mom"?  Okay, here goes...I've NEVER taken my children to the Apple Orchard!!!  Yep, that's right, NEVER!  Is that terrible or what?  Our homeschool support group recently had a field trip to a local Apple Orchard, and I starting getting the "guilty momma syndrome", because we'd never been together, and especially because my kiddos are getting older, and are almost or pretty much past their "Apple Orchard fun" prime!  I did not take them to the orchard for the field trip the other day, mostly because I didn't want the added stress of walking on my newly healed broken leg.  Don't worry, though, my kiddos HAVE been to the Apple Orchard, just not with me, but with my mom (thank you, mom, at least that helps with the "guilty momma syndrome" a little bit!), she brings them every year, in fact. 

That's all I've got, just a quick, true confession from a stay at home mom/homeschool mom trying to keep it real!  :)

God bless your week,
It's a Lacy Life

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